Posts Tagged ‘american spring’

We watched with both hope and concern the Arab spring as it swept across the mid east in response to unrest, poverty, injustice and many other factors.  Now we see the edges of such movements arising in North America.  The notions of the ethic of justice and the ethic of care will be tested in the coming months, as will our sense of identity, of who we really are, in spite of our high aspirations to democracy, human rights and caring for each other.  It is moral action that reflects  the best of what it means to be human.  Will we continue to see a deficit of true leadership at the highest political levels, a continuing deficit in wealth distribution?  The solutions are obvious – do not harm, share, care for one another.  Not so obvious is the will to do not refuse to do what one can do.  For our leaders and communities – the will to peace, the will to action, the will to truth, the will to non violent communication.   Good luck to us all.